Our engine for delivering exceptional living experiences for our residents, fiduciary excellence for our investors, and an exceptional work experience for our team.
Our Goal
At Berkshire, our goal is to optimize energy efficiency and water conservation while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and waste production for the multifamily equity properties participating in our BerkshireTHRIVE initiative. We are working to achieve this goal by monitoring consumption in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager®, purchasing efficient products and appliances, and employing operational best practices.1
We have established performance targets to monitor our progress. By 2025, we strive to achieve a 10% reduction in energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and water and a 30% waste diversion rate. Performance is measured from a 2015 baseline to the 2025 target.2
Sustainability by Numbers
We promote sustainable living in all of our communities through energy efficient housing, water conservation, recycling programs, eco-friendly transportation options and other opportunities that support our environmentally-conscious living philosophy.
This translates to over 18.5 million SF
Our Perfomance
We are committed to reducing our energy usage and regularly monitor our energy performance.
of annual avoided energy costs for current year versus baseline performance. -
13.8M kWh
decrease in energy use for current year versus baseline performance. -
decrease in energy for current year versus baseline performance.
BerkshireTHRIVE: ESG Report
We share our ESG accomplishments and future plans for the BerkshireTHRIVE initiative through our annual ESG report.

Social Responsibility

A Million Thanks to our Veterans

Atlanta Community Food Bank

Building Impact

Heading Home

Rosie’s Place & Women’s Lunch Place

U.S. Marine Toys for Tots
To learn more about these initiatives, see our ESG Policies.
1 The BerkshireTHRIVE program applies to wholly-owned and managed multifamily equity assets unless otherwise mentioned, such as debt investing or corporate ESG efforts. Properties in funds undergoing the process of liquidation, under third-party management, or with joint venture restrictions are not included in the program. Energy and greenhouse gas data includes a combination of whole building and common area electricity, natural gas, and fuel consumption. Water and waste data include whole-building consumption for nearly all properties. Past performance is neither a guarantee nor prediction of future results. The stated performance results may not be typical of future outcomes.
2 Baseline is 2015 for most properties, but may vary depending on acquisition or stabilization date.