Core & Core-Plus Equity


Core & Core-Plus Equity Strategies

Investing in high-quality, stabilized residential properties with durable cash flows and long-term capital appreciation potential.

Investment Formats

  • Open-End
  • Closed-End
  • Separately Managed Accounts

Our Prior Core & Core-Plus Investment Products

  • Core Separately Managed Account
  • Core-Plus Separately Managed Account

What We Look For

We seek to invest in Class A properties located in major U.S. markets and select high-density, supply-constrained suburban locations that are likely to provide stable, durable cash flows during any phase of the real estate cycle. These strategies may also include a tactical allocation to non-stabilized investments, such as build-to-core development opportunities and forward commitments, that will become a long-term, core hold upon stabilization.

  • Recently-built or newer-vintage properties
  • Minimal functional obsolescence
  • Location that is convenient to employment, public transit and retail